Downtown Duluth Stores Get Tips On How To Draw In Customers

Downtown Duluth Stores Get Tips On How To Draw In Customers
The goal and ideas about how to make Downtown Duluth really pop, drew a lot of interest Tuesday morning.
The goal and ideas about how to make Downtown Duluth really pop, drew a lot of interest Tuesday morning.
Many business owners showed up to hear the strong message that each owner can and must make an individual difference. The storefront of Minnesota Surplus had a makeover to show how changes in lighting and display can make the store and experience more inviting from the street.
Consultant Michele Reeves said at a shopping mall, one person or company makes all the decisions about the stores, layouts, and locations. But Downtown, there are dozens of individual owners making their own choices on every block.
“You’re like well, we don’t control all the space on this block. We can’t make everyone change everything all at once. So, we’re not gonna start, how could we possibly do that? That’s why we don’t even think that way. How do we change one thing, and how do we change it in a way that the things next to it are going to respond to it. Because that’s how you get a cross-work, that patchwork of people to start making new and better decisions that increase sales per square foot, improve sense of safety, improves vibrancy. So it all starts with that series of small things, because you’ve got a series of small owners,” said Reeves.
Another message was that every type of business in any building on any block is part of the process of growing and changing downtown.
Kristi Stokes, President, Downtown Duluth said, “This isn’t just about the retailers. It’s about the office space, it’s about the medical office places. It’s about the architects, it’s about the dentist. It’s about everybody who has a ground floor level. And so how can they interact with the street more. How can they make it feel more active, more safe, more inviting.”
The hope that every business and shop owner came away with some ideas about what they can do to start the process of making a difference.
To watch the Fox 21 News story: